CMS Clock

Employee clocking with custom declarations

Allow your drivers and supervisors to clock on/off and check their work without distracting your office staff.

Dedicated workstations running components of CMS can be securely installed in your depot so that staff can access clock on/off and work printouts after hours by using their Dallas iButton keyfob or PIN for identification.


Cut down time lost processing payroll

Enhance your clocking system efficiency, trim costs for staff clocking on early or clocking off late.


  • Collect clock on and off times electronically

  • Optional forced clock on and off times to prevent earlier or later than expected clocking events

  • Create clock profiles for different segments of your workforce

  • Create separate clock on declarations for different employee designations including drivers, mechanics and supervisors / chaperones / bus aids

  • Reports calculate clocking times for export to your payroll system

  • Complete integration with your payroll package when using the CMS MYOB module